Sunday, March 22, 2009

Being a parent is all about...

It's funny how much having a child can change your life.. Even the small things arent so small anymore. You suddenly become overprotective of something thats not even here yet. Things you never would of noticed before stand out to you. Things people say and little things they do make you think that much harder. You can look at someone and be like Oh My i dont want child knowing someone like that, being like that or even hearing that. Suddenly the little things John or I do and say i stop and think about it. I looked at John the other day after he said something that would never bother me before and said excuse me Daddys dont talk like that! lol Would you want your little girl to hear that? haha Poor guy.. I've started looking at people in my life wondering if i want them around my child.. (Is that wrong?) Even family and friends you stop and think about who they are and if they can maintain a healthy relationship with your child. I know growing up after the death of my Father I lost contact with alot of my family. At the time everyone was grieving in their own ways and it just happened.. but being a child i didnt understand I thought they didnt love us anymore and wondered what I did wrong to make them go away too.. I never want that for my little girl! (Totally different situation) But i believe every child needs healthy stable people in their lives. You cant be friends and family when its convenient for you. Kids just dont understand. It's very hurtful to have people who are constantly "Hot Or Cold" in your life. You shouldn't have to wonder what their going to be like that day. It's amazing when your pregnant the people that come out of the wood works, people you haven't talked to in years or people that burned you long ago suddenly want to be happy go lucky and have a relationship with you and your soon to be child. You want to look at them like REALLY!? After all of that now every things ok. I know I shouldnt be like that and I have no grudges towards anyone but i dont want to put my guard down and be hurt again and most of all i dont want them to hurt my child. Thats what scares me the most. Suddenly its hard to have those people in your life..... and not knowing the decision to make about them. I guess thats what being a parent is all about............

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