Saturday, February 20, 2010

Getting Closer

Well Time is going by, slowly but surely..... About 5 months now and my family is complete again! I cant wait for spring to get here that's my downhill. I'm so tired of cold and snow!!! I ready for birds, flowers, sunny days and walks in the park. Cant wait to get Bailey out there to play. She loves being outside! She is growing up so fast right before my eyes. I'm already planning her birthday party and planning her one year portraits. I must say they are going to be sooooo stinking cute :) Then in May is our 2 year Anniversary and the studio's dance recital, June my 22nd Birthday and Late July HE WILL BE HOME!!!!

Come on Mother Nature Lets kick it up a notch..

10 Months

Bailey turned 10 months on the 17th. She's two months away from a year! How crazy is that? She took her first step on the 17th. She never ceases to amaze on her milestones. She hasn't taken another one yet, but she is she getting braver with letting go of things while standing and trying to climb on everything. Shes a little monkey! Birthday plannings are in the making!

Bailey's new poutyface haha I call it her duckface!

Cute little 10 month old!

Current words are: Mama, Dada Hi, byebye, No, pattycake, clap clap clap, duck, lala and baby, but it sounds like BA-BEE soo cute when she picks up her babydoll and says it :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow, Snow, go away...

Stinkin, Stinkin snow!!! That's all i have to say. Winter needs to be over I AM DONE! I cant remember that the last time we had snow like this...I was little and enjoyed it.. but no, not this time! I've been camping out At Johns parents so I'm not stuck at home. It tends to get cold and dark in snow storms. lol I have to say I've really enjoyed my time here being with family and Bailey has had a blast with gma, gpa and her aunts! I haven't taken out in the snow this time yet. Its just too cold and too MUCH!!! She really wasn't a fan of it last time anyway. (or her snowsuit) I have to say despite how much i dislike it. Late at night looking out at it from a warm house it can be quite beautiful. BUT now it needs to go away and be gone for good! I need springtime now and Winter needs to be over! I makes time drag and that's the last thing i need is dragging time. My countdown is beginning and its a bit over 5 months now! ..He just needs to come home! I'm so ready for this deployment to be over. Bailey's birthday is officially a bit over two months!! Cant believe my baby is turning one, but i also wish her daddy was here to celebrate that with us! I know he's as amazed as I am!! Time has really flown this past year and now this 5 months needs to fly as well!!!!!
Bailey playing pattycake!

Watching the girls play in the snow