Thursday, January 22, 2009

Think Pink!!

We had our third ultrasound last week..(i know third) It makes my bladder hurt just thinking about it. lol We got our confirmed It's a girl! Bailey Mackenzie Clubb is doing great, growing like crazy! Kicking and moving all the time. I cant believe im 29 weeks already, Its so strange to think she'll be out soon in this in crazy world! Mommy instint has kicked in wanting to protect her from everything i can already. I think it has kicked in for John as it gets closer and closer. He looked at me the other day and was like WOW! I'm gonna be a daddy soon. lol He's going to be an awesome father, he has such a huge heart. That little girl is gonna have him wrapped around her finger! We signed up for our birthing classes that start in Feb. Everyone keeps asking are you guys ready?! lol I dont know if you can ever be ready! Every monent another worry or concern pops into my head. Hoping to be prepared as much as possible, but knowing i'll feel fully prepared. Excitment rules over all! I cant wait to meet this beautiful little girl that John and i made together. Its amazing to think we could be capable of something like this. One of lifes many miracles! I just got used to having her inside me and soon she'll right here in front if me.