Why are we nicer to strangers than our own family?
I heard a poem a while back about that. I couldn't find it online to post it...but think about it, how many times have we done that? I know everyone is guilty of that at least once. I know i have done it before. I think we assume family will always accept us no matter how nasty we are to each other. I think alot of people take their family for granted.
After getting married and having Bailey my view on family completely changed. Maybe having one of your own makes you realize how important they are..? I don't really know. Maybe I see that look in Baileys eyes when we are around family seeing how happy she is. She loves her grandparents!! They are her world and those Aunts of hers are so exciting to her! Family in the eyes of children can be so different than Adults. I guess as Adults we've had time to make mistakes, to hurt each other in some way or just spent too much time together, but i don't think you should get tired of time with family.
John and I were talking last night about how much family we have between the two of us and how incredibility blessed we are, but we also talked about the family who have chosen not to be apart of our lives and its not so much OUR life that hurts us, its Baileys. It breaks my heart that someone would not want a relationship with her. She is so young, Innocent and full of life. (and growing so fast) They have missed so much of her life already. To not send a one year old a Birthday card or say your coming to her party and just not show up (yes she may not know it) but that's just sad. It breaks my heart knowing Bailey might not have a relationship with some of her family.
We have forgiven and forgotten words that were said and actions that were made. That's part of acting like and adult and a parent. I don't want Bailey to see family acting or treating family in that manner. Its not healthy or Christlike to hold grudges, Nothing is more important than family. I hope in the future they can let go of whatever is eating them and realize what is important, and that's family. You cannot choose your family but you can choose to love them.
"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family"
“Treat your family like friends and your friends like family.”