Saturday, August 27, 2011

29/30 week bump pictures

I took these pics this past week so they do say 29 weeks. I'm officially 30 weeks today! :)

Baileys New do

End of August

I've been a sucky blog updater! My last post was in July and now we are at the end of August. So sorry! well lets see, whats new? Summer is coming to an end all the kiddos are back in school. I'm so happy to have  few more years of morning cartoons and snuggles. I'm so not ready for the mad school dash and sending little girl away all day.

We experienced our first earthquake this week...yes here in Va! It was pretty scary! I'm glad i wasn't home alone. actually i was at my moms house Tuesday morning (the23rd) and Bailey was getting a haircut! (we will discuss that next) Being in the basement i guess it wasn't as bad as other felt is but the drop ceiling started shaking and the house was rumbling i thought something was about to explode! i looked at my mom and she looked at me AH! Talk about the face of panic. Her living in Cali she knew what it was and ran outside.I think it took hours for my heart to beat normal again. When i went back home i discovered a pictures had fallin off our bookshelf and the exhaust fans in our bathrooms all opened up. Nothing horrible but our little town lost many old buildings and a few friends and family members lost their homes. Needless to say we were very blessed.

OK on the haircut! Ive debated for weeks on cutting Bailey long pretty hair into a bob. Went back and forth on the pros and cons then said Ah! Its hair its grows. So we just did it!!!  and it is sooooo stinking cute! I was hoping to get that baby look back but no she looks even older now...Go figure! Will post pics on next post..

And one more item of news......

I am 30 weeks today! whoo hooo